Mobility problems can occur regardless of age or ability, ranging from a child to an athlete to an elderly person. Mobility is the ability to move – this can be running, walking, moving a wheelchair or walking with aids like crutches or sticks. Your mobility may have deteriorated due to an injury, fall, operation or a disease.
How physio can help mobility problems?
Physiotherapists can help get you moving as safely, efficiently and confidently as possible. We will use various techniques and walking aids to get you moving again. The aim is to help you regain your independence and move as quickly and safely with as little aid as possible.
First, the physio will assess you moving and will be able to tell whether some of your muscles are weak, tight or not working as well.
They will give you strengthening, flexibility and balancing exercises for the muscles and teach you the correct pattern of moving again.
If the physio feels you could benefit from a walking aid, they can help order you the right one and teach you how to use it – walking aids can help at times to prevent compensation or limping. Then, they will go with you outside and practice outside terrains and steps.
How you walk is known as ‘Gait’ the physio will help you correct your gait and show you how to prevent future injury and falls.
Should you be concerned about how you’re moving and walking, contact us now to help get you going again.
Book your appointment HERE