PoTs UK – Covid-19 information

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A number of people have expressed concern about Coronavirus. More specifically, if patients with PoTS are more susceptible to contracting the virus.
There is no evidence that suggests PoTS itself causes an increased risk.
However, anecdotally, people with PoTS often do take longer to recover from any type of viral illness.
It would be sensible to take the usual precautions advised by the Department of Health.
The below link has lots of information for those concerned.

What we can advise!
We can completely understand the concern of members and the panic this may cause for some, especially after the world health organisation has declared a pandemic today.
We all have a responsibility to act sensibly to help protect ourselves and others, plus help contain the spread.

Wash your hands often with hot soapy water for at least 20 – 30 seconds, use hand sanitisers that are 60+ percent alcohol when soap and water is not available, do not touch your face while out in public, if you feel you may have the virus or have been subjected to it in some way through travel for example, DO NOT go to your doctors surgery, walk in centre or hospital!

Be mindful of others around you, what you’re touching, how you’re acting and how you’re feeling! While out of the house, keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth and avoid touching things wherever possible.

We’re all responsible for your own health and well-being but also partly responsible for how this virus affects the UK so being careful and practicing good hygiene is imperative.

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